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Black Standing Seam Roof

This is an A Frame I installed a standing seam metal roof on in Oxford, Maine. Twin City Construction was the builders for the project who hired me to do the roofing. I did the roof last summer but a tree feel on the roof during the big storm we had so I had to go back and rebuild the flying rafter framing, soffits and fascia trim on the front gables end of the camp. It was a huge branch did quite a bit of damage. But looks good as new now. I

I installed some snow stoppers above the stove pipe too because the snow was falling on the pipe and causing damage. I think the snow stoppers should hold the snow back enough to keep it from ripping the pipe right off the building. Looks amazing! Beautiful camp! Glad to take part in this build.

Beautiful Standing Seam Metal Roof on this camp on Whitney Pond in Maine.


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